
Warmer weather has come to southwest Montana and I am finding myself being pulled in ten thousand directions of fun. Folks around these parts have been getting outside and playing hard, myself included. I got back from my first backcountry yurt trip last weekend and am looking forward to riding my mountain bike this weekend. I love this spring time juxtaposition. The mountains have beautiful snow-capped peaks while everything in the hills and the Gallatin Valley floor has turned a lovely shade of green. Winter’s grip is quickly leaving the area and the longer days complete with Montana sunshine has been a warm welcome to all. People are venturing outside to get after their summertime leisures while the few hold on to the perks of winter. With such a heavy snowpack from this past winter, many of the local skiers have been out tackling the stable backcountry terrain while mountain bikers are finding drier conditions in lower elevations for riding single track. The buzz and excitement of the new season has everyone in high spirits. Here are some favorite images I’ve made in the last couple of weeks. Thanks for looking. Now go play outside! -M

The final hours are counting down for 2011. What a year. For me it was a rebuilding year both professionally and physically. I started out the year with being hit by a car while out on assignment for my newspaper and the result has been an intensive year of doctors visits, pain management and rehabilitation. I’m finally starting to feel better but my recovery is far from over. The car accident was a pretty derailing experience for my year and it has taken me a while to get back on the tracks. My priorities this year have been to heal my body and continue to form the foundation for my future in the business of photography. Right around the time of my accident, I had a series of pretty intense/ego bruising photo edits from some very talented and respected editors in the journalism industry. It’s always good to have that reality check to put you in your place and make you re-evaluate what you are doing with your craft. It forced me to do a lot of soul searching with how I approach my photography and my maneuvering through the rapidly changing journalism industry. It was good for me to hear and I think down the road I will be a stronger photographer for it. I still haven’t quite figured it all out but I can say confidently that I made some progress this past year and that I have high hopes for 2012. I’m looking forward to it. Happy New Year everyone! -M

Spring is California is incredible. Everything has been so green and the temperature has held steady at around 65 degrees. All this nice weather has really brought people out in the community. It’s like someone flipped a switch. Now all of a sudden their have been a constant flow of pretty interesting stories and overall everyone around here has been in a good mood from the nice weather. Always a good thing. It has also been extremely busy around the newspaper. Hence my lack of posting. So here are some photos that I shot from the month of March.